
Despaired, I gazed into my soul. Alas! I was looking into a hole. Frightened, I became from my own. Happiness, Was just a part, not the whole. Hope, Was no where to be found. Darkness, Seemed limitless, knew no bounds. A voice, Seemed to come from inside. That voice, Asked me to follow from behind.ContinueContinue reading “Meditation”


My beloved ball of fur. भूरी, थोड़ी सफ़ेद सी, मोटी सी मटमैली सी, चंचल चितवन पायी है, हेक्टर हमारी प्यारी है। फुदकती रहती यहाँ वहां, चैन न मिलता किसी जगह, दुपहरी घनी हो जाती है तो, सो जाती मिले जहाँ छाँव घना। मछली की है बड़ी दीवानी, डब्बा खिसके, निकले वाणी, म्याऊ म्याऊ से गुंजायमानContinueContinue reading “हेक्टर”